Online Giving Instructions
To register for online giving and text giving, please click here –
Once you have reached the registration page, enter your first and last name, your phone number, your email, and create a username and password. You will use this info to login and make online contributions or update payment information.
The screen should look similar to this –
Once you have reached the registration page, enter your first and last name, your phone number, your email, and create a username and password. You will use this info to login and make online contributions or update payment information.
The screen should look similar to this –
Once you have completed the registration, the system may recognize you through your phone number and ask “Are You ________” (your name). If the system correctly recognizes you, please click yes. If not, please click no. You will then be asked to sign-in with your newly created username and password.
After your initial registration and sign-in you will need to add your payment information that you would like to use to make donations with. Click on one of the two links that says “Payment Details” (see below).
On this page you will need to add your payment information. Choose whether you would like to have the money drafted from your checking account or charged to you debit/credit card by clicking the appropriate option. Once you have completed all necessary account information, click the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen.
You are now ready to make your first online giving or text giving donation.
Online Giving
Click on the “Donate” tab on the left hand side of the screen. You can choose which account you would like to donate toward (“General” for regular tithes and offerings), how much you would like to donate, and if you would like to setup a recurring gift. You can even leave a note in the memo line for record keeping. Once you are ready to donate, simply click the “Donate” button on the right side of the screen.
Text Giving
Simply text the code of the account you would like to contribute toward with the amount you want to contribute to 254-273-1356. Some of the text giving codes are listed below. To contribute to our general budget account, simply use the word “Budget” without the quotes along with the amount you want to donate.
Code + Amount to 254-273-1356
For example, to give $100 to the General Budget, enter “Budget 100”.
Other codes include “Building Fund”, “Food Pantry”, and “Youth”. If you would like to text to give toward another specific fund, please contact the church office for a full list of codes, or login to your online giving account and make an online contribution. You can select from several of our accounts there with a drop-down list in the “Donate Tab”.